My mission is to support people in their health and wellbeing journeys, to be a catalyst for positive change.
My Story
Having always been interested in health and the mind, I initially completed a Psychology degree and an Industrial Psychology post graduate degree.
After a short stint in a record store (yes like the film High Fidelity!) I emigrated from South Africa to the UK.
I have previously worked in corporate change, process optimisation and organisational efficiency as a management consultant in London. I decided to use my decade of change experience to focus on personal change in the health and wellbeing arena.
I came to Health Coaching after learning how to manage my own health problems around healthy eating and managing a healthy weight and body image, a spine injury, sleep apnoea and more recently perimenopause. I was inspired to retrain and switch careers to make a real difference in peoples' lives. I completed an NHS recognised Health Coaching diploma from CNM, College of Naturopathic Medicine (awarded Best College Education 2023 from IHCAN).
Leveraging my corporate experience of change management and my Health Coach training, I am well positioned to empathise with you and support you with tailored health coaching advice and guidance.
After completing my Health Coaching Diploma, I spent a rewarding year working with clients, pro bono, to deepen my knowledge and use this practical experience to design my own change model. The ELIXIR Change Model uses influential organisational change models, customised and adapted by me for personal change.
Click here to see in more detail my training and experience.
Coming soon... my blog about my lived experience.